soon more details will be added
The project was started at the Hack'n'Lead Zurich Hackathon, in collaboration with Viktoria Mayer(Project Lead), Deborah l. Haar, Ph.D. (data analyst;), dr. Michael Huber (data scientist) and Ann Estoppeye (Geospatial data engineer).
Click here for the github hack-n-lead-2023 repository of this project.
How do you measure impact? This is a problem many non-profits, especially non-profits in the social sphere, face every day. In an age where data-driven decisions are the gold standard for decision-making, how do you measure your success when financial returns do not necessarily factor into the equation? Non-profits face increasing pressure to demonstrate the impact they have in order to receive support from the government, sponsors, and the community at large. So how can this be done? That is the question you will seek to answer as part of the women++ challenge for Hack’n’Lead.
Challenge Description:
The aim of this challenge is to create a software solution to support non-profit organizations in defining and tracking their impact.
While the solution ideally is built in a way that allows sufficient customization to cater to a diverse range of organizations, it is helpful to narrow down the target audience both geographically as well as by topic. So our solution will develop an impact tracker app for non-profits as "women plus plus" dedicated to increasing diversity in the Swiss tech industry.
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